12 Jun

Signs that a flight crew member is stressed

Stress as a flight crew member in the aviation industry cannot be avoided. Most times, it is usually intense because of the rigors that come with it.

Generally, the stress in this industry comes from environmental stressors, psychological stressors, and physiological stressors.

This means that flight crew members can experience stress during flight or on the ground when performing other work-related responsibilities.

Due to the risk level in this industry, flight crew members need to always watch out for their stress levels. Hence, identifying some of these signs would go a long way in providing them with help

Lack of energy

One of the ways to notice a stressed flight crew member is the absence of enough physical strength.

When they are stressed, they would be unable to perform like before. Hence, their productivity would decline because they are not at their best.

Working during breaks

If you notice that a flight crew member prefers not to spend their breaks resting. Rather, they want to work during that period, it is because they are stressed already. Hence, they are likely not to resume and exit at the normal time.

Displaying irritability

Another way to know that a flight crew member is stressed is when they become increasingly irritable.

You will notice that they are always nervous and cranky because the stress has a hold over them. Additionally, you might find them fidgeting unnecessarily when some work demands are made.

Shying away from other employees

When a flight crew member is stressed, they might not want to be around other employees because they don’t want to be noticed.

For instance, if an extroverted crew member is stressed, you will observe that they might become temporarily introverted, which could become a cause for concern.

When employees begin to show signs of stress, they must take regular breaks from work to bring down their stress levels. If left untreated, stress can cause some unpleasant physical, mental, and emotional health issues.